On the much vaunted path of life
some hopes linger, some dreams die
and we keep on shuffling past.
Sometimes, truth peeks through the veil
footsteps falter, courage fail
and we have just two ways to cope
Keep hold the sanity and deny
the terrible truth beneath blue sky
or take your shot, and risk it all.
It's a casino few get invite
let alone play, or roll a dice
After all, your sanity's on the line.
Just remember this thing hoss
there's no winner, we're all at loss
this game is rigged, make no mistake.
Free will, it's just a ghost
this road's straight, few turns at most
He's duped us all, or so it seems.
Well quantum says, haven't you learnt
you have both taken, and left the turn
And God is hidden in details.
So plod on, don't despair
we're puppets in the claws of players
And they have just left the Game.

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