Sunday, January 5, 2014

musings of a muddled mortal..

It starts with a jest
a teasing smile
of times spent together when 
just a moment, becomes a while....

It starts with unspoken words,
assumptions made by foolish hearts
with friendship amidst stunted calls
budding, flowering.. when dreams fall

Dreams that desire what mind forbids
a chaos of color amongst bleached acropolises
till the time the subconscious takes over
a mind pregnant with forbidden promises.

the desire builds up, waves upon waves
persistently pushing against the wall
till they tip, splashing at the rims
of my sanity, my rationale...

this cosmic dance of pheromones
working its magic against my will
conspiring with fellow felon desire
robbing me of my sanity still

hard to see, hidden amongst hesitant hugs
oh, so painfully easy to miss,
if not for the eyes that belie
the unspoken promise of a kiss...


Have I turned you off again?
I believe I have ma’am
Is my conscience shattered, tattered?
I don’t think I give a damn.

For I tried & tried & I lied & lied
don’t think I can change
I tried to be smooth, I tried to be suave
An uncouth lad I remain

Have I cheesed you off again?
How rude of me! Oh shame!
No gentlemen these days, I tell ya
You only have yourself to blame.

For you think you’re smart, you think you are strong
Hell even better than us
So we bundled up chivalry, we trussed up tenderness
And packed ‘em off in a Bus.

And now I stand, like all of us
Deferentially taking a bow
Oh how you have climbed, oh how you have peaked
How happy are you up there now?

The climb was steep, the slayings so many
And now you can’t come down
So now you wish someone was here
Someone to share the crown.

See that’s the cross you’ll have to bear
That’s the price for all the favor
So don’t mourn now your lost innocence
For now it’s lost forever.


A Quarter century of existance, or more
a past mostly mired in smokes and shadows
trying to remember the days gone by
not a single memory; well, this blows.

Friends come, and friends go
some slip away quitely , some not so
Love trying to find a foothold
on the slippery slopes of heart's hold.

Amongst all this brouhaha of life
the face in the mirror keeps a vigil
The only constant in this strife
my master, my mentor, my very own pupil.

It speaks to me in hushed tones
pouring down bitter truths where no one can
In my ears, my sinews, my very bones
do the right thing; be a man.

It never tries to please me
with honey-dripped words mired in lies
You are, but a man, it pleas, with
greying hair, wrinkles, and tired eyes.

Many a times, the voice gets lost
in the cacaphony of world's cries
But I know, it's always there somewhere
waiting for me to battle out those lies.

All my flaws, wart and all
staring at me throgh the shiny wall
A bitter pill, extracting its terrible toll
but like all bitter pills, good, cleansing the soul.

In these moments of clarity, I see you and realise
I'm my best when on my own
It's you and me all the way, my Doppelganger
A life best lived alone.